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Georgiy Tryakhin-Bukharov

Years of life:

b. 1943, Nizhneudinsk, Irkutsk region


He lives and works in Almaty. ​ Georgiy Tryakhin-Bukharov is a recognized master of thrash sculpture, he is one of the pioneers of contemporary art in Kazakhstan. His favorite materials are all those items that have outlived their respectable age - wheel tires, fashionable furniture, plumbing, etc. All these things found themselves on a flea market or in a garbage dump. The artist gives these subjects a second life, in a sense more spiritual, by making an upcycling and turning this stuff into real works of art. ​ Notable recent exhibitions include participation in the public art festival ARTBAT FEST in Almaty (2008-17), «La vie est une légende. e.cité», Museum of Modern Art, Strasbourg, France (2014), «Between the past and the future. Archeology of Actuality», the Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty (2011), etc.